Friday 11 October 2013

A Confused Nation Of Food Lovers .

I grew up on a farm in Ballymacoda , Co Cork where animals were always treated with respect and now as a trainee chef  it seems to have come full circle . Rare it in comfort , in natural surroundings , kill it humanly and celebrate the animals life by giving it justice on a plate .
It seems hard to believe that in this so called civilised age a most vicious & cruel spectacle of blood continues to flourish in Spain & certain other countries . Bullfighting is barbaric & should have been banned long ago . Its difficult to understand how crowds of people will pay & take pleasure in watching one lone creature , who has never done them any harm , getting hacked to death . How can anyone with an once of compassion , cheer & chant ole as a banderilla or lance is thrust into the animals pain racked body ? 

Behind The Scenes  :

The bull is normally not an aggressive animal & the reason he's angry & attempts to charge at the matador whilst in the bullring is mainly because he has been horrendously abused for the previous two days . In fact what spectators see is not a normal healthy bull , but a weakened half blinded & mentally destroyed version of itself . The bull has wet news papers stuffed in his ears , vaseline is rubbed into his eyes to blur his vision , cotton is stuffed up his nostrils to cut off his respiration & a needle is stuck into his genitals . Also a strong caustic solution is rubbed onto his legs which throws him off balance . This also keeps him from lying down on the ground . In addition to this strong laxatives are used to further incapacitate him . He is kept in a dark box for a couple of days before he faces the ring , the purpose of this is to disorient him . When he is let out of the box he runs desperately towards the light at the end of the tunnel . He thinks that at last his suffering is over & he is being set free , instead he runs into the bullring to face his killers & a jeering mob . 

The sequence of events begins when the bull faces the picadors , these are men on horse back , who's purpose is to exhaust the bull . They cut into his neck muscles with a pica . This a weapon of about 6 to 8 inches long & 2 inches thick . Once it is thrust into the bull it is twisted around & a large gaping wound appears.The bull then starts bleeding to death . 

After the picador has finished his sordid business , the assistant matadors then get to work with the banderillas ( sharp , harpoon like barbed instruments ) . These are plunged into the bulls body & he may also be taunted by capes . Up to six banderillas may be used . When the banderillas strike , the bull stops in his tracks & bellows madly   .

The kill should last 6 minutes & is done by the main matador . If he has any difficulties , the others immediately rush in to his aid & finish off the bull . The matador is supposed to sever the artery near the heart with one thrust of his sword , in fact this rarely happens . It oftens takes 2 to 3 minutes before the animal is released by death . By this time the bulls lungs will be punctured & he always vomits blood . Miraculously , he sometimes attempts to rise again only to be further mutilated . He finally gives up , goes to his knees & lies down . Even then he is allowed little dignity , his ears & tail are cut off & his broken , bleeding body is dragged around the ring by mules as the crowds jeer .

The bull isn't the only animal to suffer in the ring , hundreds of horses die agonising deaths as they are gored by the pain crazed bull . Horses have their ears stuffed with wet news paper so they don't get spooked & their vocal cords are cut to keep them silent in case they get hurt so as not to upset the spectators . Theses horses are generally working horses that have come to the end of their careers . Their reward for serving mankind faithfully is to end their days in the bullring . 

To say its part of their culture is a weak defence , this argument is also used to defend female circumcision . Once upon a time certain cultures believed in decapitating people in order to please their Gods , but that doesn't happen anymore . To say its part of their culture doesn't make it any more right . 

It makes me sad to think that a nation of food lovers could endorse such activities . I for one won't be holidaying in Spain anytime soon .


  1. A really powerful article Anthony, we need to keep these issues in the spotlight. This cruelty, abuse and outright injustice should not be allowed to hide behind the mask of "tradition".

  2. Let's get the message out there , share this with all your friends and I'll do the same , and so on . It shouldn't be allowed .
