Tuesday 11 March 2014

Gelato Ice cream

The weather has really picked up in the last few days, its bright again when I'm driving to and from work, spring is in the air and summer is only around the corner. This got me thinking about ice cream. This is the simplest recipe for ice cream that I've ever come across and I've tried them all, my wife even bought me an ice cream maker a few years back for my birthday. The good news is you don't even need an ice cream maker for this recipe and it tastes fantastic, a bit like magnum ice cream. I got this recipe off one of my culinary lectures in W.I.T " Michael Quinn ". Its a basic plain vanilla ice cream mix but you can play around with it and add what ever flavouring to it that you want, but even this recipe on its own tastes great and is a fine complement to any dessert. It only takes five minutes to make and a few hours in the freezer, so here goes.


400g or 1 can condensed milk
500ml cream
4 tea spoons vanilla extract


  1. Whisk all the ingredients together until you get a nice smooth cream, the same as you would whip normal cream. 
  2. Cover with cling film and leave in the freezer for a few hours until set.  Don't worry about crystals forming or anything, no need to stir it, just leave it alone.
  3. Serve with a heavy hand.

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