Sunday 19 January 2014

Coconut Meringue Roulade With Lemon Curd Cream & Raspberries


5 egg whites
225g caster sugar
50g desiccated coconut

For the filling:
100 to 150ml of double cream (whipped)
150ml lemon or lime curd 
250 to 300g fresh or frozen raspberries
Icing sugar for dusting
1 mint leave
23cm X 33cm 9 X 13inch Swiss roll tin


1. Preheat oven to 180 or gas mark 4. Line the Swiss roll tin with grease proof paper . Give the tin a light coat of veg oil so the paper will stay in place and give the grease proof a light coat also to stop the mix sticking to it and to ensure the roulade comes off easily.

2. Place the egg whites in a spotlessly clean bowl and whisk until white & fluffy. Continue to whisk and then add in the sugar bit by bit. Whisk on full speed for about 4 to 5 mins until stiff peaks form.

3. Using a large metal spoon fold in the coconut firmly & quickly. Smooth the meringue into the prepared tin with a pallet knife & bake for 15 to 20 mins or until faintly brown.

4. Allow the meringue to cool slightly for a few mins & then turn out onto a sheet of grease prop paper, turning it up side down in the proces. Allow to cool completely.

5. Spread the curd cream evenly over the meringue leaving the long edge nearest to you free for about 4cm. Cover the cream with the fruit 

6. Now for the fun bit. They say a picture speaks a thousand words so here goes.

Decorate as you wish. It should be served the day it's made as it doesn't hold together very well but it does freeze good and can be served half frozen.

                    Lemon Curd 


3 eggs yolks beaten 
125g/4oz caster sugar
2 lemons juice & rind
50g/2oz butter


1. Over a low heat melt the butter, add sugar, juice & rind. Then stirr in the well beaten egg yolks

2. Stir over a gentle heat until the mixture coats the back of a spoon.
Remove from the heat & pour into a bowl, it will thicken as it cools.

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