Tuesday 26 November 2013

Save Our Bees

Goal: 400,000

Wow. Bayer has just sued the European Commission to overturn a ban on the pesticides that are killing millions of bees around the world. A huge public push won this landmark ban only months ago -- and we can't sit back and let Big Pesticide overturn it while the bees vanish.

Bayer and Syngenta, two of the world's largest chemical corporations, claim that the ban is "unjustified" and "disproportionate." But clear scientific evidence shows their products are behind the massive bee die-off that puts our entire food chain in peril. 

Just last month, 37 million bees were discovered dead on a single Canadian farm. And unless we act now, the bees will keep dying. We have to show Bayer now that we won't tolerate it putting its profits ahead of our planet's health. If this giant corporation manages to bully Europe into submission, it would spell disaster for the bees.

Sign the petition to tell Bayer and Syngenta to drop their bee-killing lawsuits now.

Sign our petition to Bayer and Syngenta

Petition Text:

Bayer and Syngenta: Drop your lawsuits against the European Commission immediately."

Monday 25 November 2013

Urban Farm Project


Urban Farm is growing food on a Dublin city center rooftop with an indoor aquaponic allotment for all season growing,practicing new innovative urban food growing methods and sustainable principals.

The idea is to convert a negative space into one that creates a tangible benefit for the community  

In 2012 the new  " UrbanFarm not-for-profit Group " secured workshop studios & rooftop space at 
The Chocolate Factory, a new creative community developing in an old factory in the heart of Dublin.

We are researching and demonstrating intensive urban growing techniques, growing food, keeping fowl, fish and bees. 

We have begun to host events & community groups and provide hands-on workshops that teach responsible food production, carpentry, energy-saving systems, ecological cycles, and community self-sufficiency  observing organic & pesticide free practices. 
We go beyond the normal timber yards and builders suppliers, all materials used are salvaged from waste, meaning most supplies used in the production of the farm have been diverted from landfill, de-constructed & up-cycled on site.
  • Working with other local businesses to install and maintain rooftop gardens, composting and other creative urban  growing projects for the purpose of healthy food production, neighborhood revitalization, and community engagement.

    We also partner with local sustainable organizations for training communities in growing food-- 
  • Our rooftop farm offers the necessary space for students and teachers to practice their skills while maintaining the garden at the same time. 
    Through cultivating a network of urban farmers, we hope to catalyse social changes that will improve the livelihood and livability of our city spaces.

    URBAN FARM is Devised & Founded by Andrew Douglas 
    Construction Team Leader : Paddy O'Kearney

  • Joe Duffy's Local Heroes TV Programme,
  • Filmed over 8 weeks as we built the rooftop space & indoor growing centre.
  • " Two young Dublin men who don’t want to emigrate are attempting to turn a rooftop in the north inner city into Ireland’s first Urban Rooftop Farm." 
  • RTE : Wednesday 29th May 2013RTÉ Local Heroes, in association with MACE, is about celebrating individuals who are doing or plan to do something visionary to create jobs.
                                                                                                                                                           WATCH URBAN FARMVideos Here

Monday 18 November 2013

Knockmeelmore Honey

Every so often you get the pleasure of meeting people who are completely honest and true to themselves. Robert Anthony is one of those people , a bee keeper from Knockmeelmore Co Waterford , a couple of miles on the Waterford side of Youghal. I first met Robert & his wife Marie at a farmers Market in the Blackwater Garden Centre a couple of years back and often ended up having long chats about this and that and this is where I had my first taste of their honey and my God is this stuff good, so when I say that Robert is honest and true to himself well what I mean is that he's doing something that he truly loves. He's a very modest man. I later found out that he has a masters in criminal justice and has lectured in many collages, but he'd never tell you this himself , Marie , his wife filled me in on this, she also told me that he calls the bees his girls but I don't want to embaress him any further or he might not let me publish this.
                                  When I pulled up the bohereen that leeds up to Roberts yard he was there waiting for me just opposite the entrance to his bee hives, so I got out and said hello and he brought me over to the gate and told me to look at the closest hive and observe the bees going in and out and to pay particular attention to the bees with large clumps of yellow stuff stuck to their back legs and sure enough there was plenty of activity. He explained that this was pollen and that even at this time of year given the right weather conditions the bees will be hard at work trying to keep their Queen happy.                                  

I was fascinated to find out that each bee has a particular job description. All of the bees we saw going in and out of the hive were female and are called workers. They do all the work of the colony.In summer time they only live about 6 weeks. For the first three weeks they are what we call "house bees" They start their duties cleaning and polishing cells for the Queen to lay in, and later feed the larvae and pack and process the nectar/honey that is brought in. Older house bees would be on undertaker duties and their job is to remove any dead bees from the hive, this is quite remarkable when you think that they can carry their own weight in flight. When their stings are developed they take up duties as guard bees mainly at the entrance to the hive where they can be seen stopping and checking out intruders , workers from other hives may be admitted but only if they are carrying pollen or nectar. At about three weeks of age, the workers go on trial flights to orientate themselves to the hive, and then go foraging, usually to locations passed onto them by older bees using a unique form of sign language known as dancing. 
In one colony it is normal for there to be one queen whose only duty is to lay eggs , about a thousand per day at the height of the season , about 60,000 workers and 200 drones. The drones are male bees whose only function is to mate with the virgin queens. At the end of the summer, if a colony has a laying queen and the workers feel that they have no further need of drones, any remaining at that time are evicted from the hive to perish from cold and starvation. As Robert put it "they did have a wonderful life up till that point".   
Even though the life expectancy of a honey bee is only a couple of weeks especially the summer born ones. The bees born later in the year live much longer, the reason for this is that the summer bee works a lot harder than the winter one and simply works themselves to death. You see the honey bee only works in daylight and in good enough weather conditions so a combination of long days and good weather means the summer bee will end up working themselves into an early grave, unlike the winter bee , who hasn't as much work to do because of shorter days and unkind weather which means she spends more time relaxing then her summer counter part. 
I was saddened to hear that there are no natural wild honey bees left in Ireland with the last nine years. They were wiped out by diseases and parasites brought in from abroad. The main culprit was the infamous varroa mite. The only Irish honey bee left in the country are the ones in bee hives such as Robert and other bee keepers around the country. Thank God for people like Robert, if not for them the native Irish honey bee would be extinct from our beautiful island altogether. Robert lives in hope that some day someone will breed a batch of bees that are resistant to the varroa mite and that once again the native bee will flourish.
We can all do our bit to help the bee keeper by thinking about the plants we set in our gardens. Think bee friendly gardening . They love willow, black thorn, white thorn, sycamore, dandelions, ivy, black berry, white clover and the list goes on and on.                                        

This is Robert at his stall at the Lismore Farmers Market where he sells his honey and a selection of delicious cheeses. Nothing is better than buying food off the very person that produces it and now that I know how much work goes into a jar of honey it makes me appreciate every drop that bit more. I feel as though Roberts love of bees has rubbed off on me , I went for a walk today and found myself scanning the ditch lines for honey bees and getting excited by the idea of spotting one. I highly recommend to anyone who has even the smallest interest in honey or cheese for that matter to go to Roberts stall and quiz him about his honey, he's like an encyclopedia of information.